Bringing Christ’s Message
to the Young

Welcome to the Presentation Brothers – an evangelising Catholic Congregation of Religious Brothers. Our story began in 1802 when Blessed Edmund Rice dedicated himself to offering a Catholic formation and education to young people of the time. Today we continue this mission, working in several countries around the world to bring the message of Christ to young people of our time. Working as teachers, chaplains, social workers, missionaries and in diverse professions we are committed to forming Christian communities that are joyful witnesses to hope.
Witnesses to Hope: Nurturing Unity in Diversity
Who are the Presentation Brothers and what do we do? As Brothers in today’s world, we aim to witness to an authentic understanding of the role of men and disciples in today’s world and Church. Inspired by Jesus, who did not grasp at his equality with God (Phil 2:6-8), we are committed to seeking a revolution of tenderness and compassion – needed now more than ever.
Our Mission
As witnesses to hope, our mission is evangelisation.
We see our role as three-fold:
Forming Christ in the Young
Helping young people form a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Education as Liberation
Empowering young people through education, especially those who suffer poverty and injustice.
Helping to build a Church of Missionary Disciples
We embrace the missionary agenda set for the Church by Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium, Laudato Si and Fratelli Tutti. This includes ecological conversion and care of the Earth. Our entire mission is animated by the charism of brotherhood.
Our Vocation
‘Here I am Lord. I have come to do your will.’ – Psalm 40
The world today needs ‘heralds of the gospel’: men and women who are in love with Christ and dedicated to the mission of the Church. If you think the Lord is calling you to become a Brother, we’d love to hear from you!