The L.E.A.F Project

The Leadership, Education and Formation Project (L.E.A.F) is an initiative from the Presentation Brothers and the Presentation Family. The Project works with young people, young adults and various groups in the Community to develop leadership. We believe in the God-given gifts of each person and our hope is to accompany and journey with young people as they develop their leadership skills so that they can benefit the Community and society as a whole.
Our Story So Far
In recent years, the L.E.A.F Project has collaborated with groups in the Cork area to grow our youth ministry. These groups include the Diocese of Cork and Ross, University College Cork Chaplaincy Team, and the FOCUS missionary team based in Cork.
The work of the L.E.A.F. Project continues to grow as we launch new initiatives among young people.
Keep up with what’s new in this special initiative.
Autumn Newsletter 2024
Take a look at upcoming L.E.A.F Project events and get involved.
Project Programmes
Discernment and Formation Community
Sycamore Series
Foundations in Theology
Full information about Safeguarding for the Presentation Brothers is available here: