Safeguarding and the
Presentation Brothers

Working with young people means we embrace an important duty of care and safeguarding is a priority at all levels of life and ministry.
Implementing Safeguarding
The Presentation Brothers are committed to safeguarding children through the implementation of: A Safe and Welcoming Church, Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2024. This Child Safeguarding Statement and our practice supports our desire to keep children safe from harm while in our ministries.
We are guided by a Congregation policy while each unit of the Presentation Brothers also has its own Child Safeguarding Policy.
We review the effectiveness of our practice against the criteria of child safeguarding standards, as part of our annual audit. We then revise our practice as outlined in the Child Safeguarding Statement.
We are aware that ministries change and legislation as well as guidelines are ‘living policies’ that evolve over time – which is why we commit to revising the Statement at least every 24 months or as appropriate.
Should you have queries about our Safeguarding Statement, please contact:
Safeguarding Officer: Br Raymond Dwyer 021 4392160
Phone no: 021 4392160
Police: Garda national Protection Services Bureau 01 6663430 / 01 6663435
Child Protection Service: TUSLA, Cork South Lee 021 4923001
Safeguarding Policies
*Please note that the previous Anglo-Irish Safeguarding Policy has been superseded by the NBSCCI’s A Safe and Welcoming Church, Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2024. While this is now the policy, our procedures to implement this policy come from the Standards Guidance section of the NBSCCCI website.
Full information about Safeguarding for the Presentation Brothers is available here:
This page will be updated whenever new safeguarding protocols or reviews come into effect.
Safeguarding Contacts
National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland:
New House, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co Kildare
Tel: 01-5053124
Br Raymond Dwyer
Tel: 021 4392160
Our Lady of the Americas Province:
Br James Needham– Child Protection Delegate
West Africa Province:
Br Godfred Beteryel – Nigeria, Child Protection Delegate
Br David Ang-suura – Ghana, Child Protection Delegate